Welcome to PTE Club!

Congratulations and welcome to the PTE Club!

In the portal you can access mock tests, sample essays, videos, listening tasks and much more…
Your login details will be emailed within 24-48 hours…

Welcome Message from Nerada Turner

Welcome to the PTE Club- Nerada Turner from Turner English on Vimeo.

You have made a very wise decision to join a group of motivated and smart students ready to take their future into their own hands and get their PTE scores to the next level.

[box style=”1 or 2″]The PTE Club is an exclusive, self-directed, self-paced learning strategy that walks you through the ins and outs of the PTE exam and allows you to access resources that you have never seen or used before.  So please ignore and references to marking or submissions to your teachers. However, as a bonus, you can review past coaching sessions in the recording sections.  For more information on feedback and assessment, you can email contactus@turnerenglish.com.au.[/box]

Course overview

Module 1:  “Speaking sections”

Module 2: “Writing sections”

Module 3: “Reading sections”

Module 4: “Listening sections”

Mock and Practice exams


3 bonuses FREE For You Today

BONUS #1 –   Access to our downloadable copy of ebook – Recipe for successful essay writingright now!

BONUS #2– Our 3 Part Essay Writing Video Series sent to your inbox over the next few days

BONUS #3– 5 Essay writing templates that have scored 79+ Click and Download now…

1 – Advantages and Disadvantages_

2- Argumentative

3-Cause and Effect

4-Problems and Solutions

5- Discussion

+ 2 more bonuses for you…

BONUS #4– Recorded coaching sessions with past students and our lead teachers to see how to improve

BONUS #5– 10 Analytical reading tasks designed to boost your reading skills

PTE Online ACCESSLevel 1: (Level 1 is completely open for your 7 day trial)

In this portal you can access, vocabulary, mock tests, sample essays, videos, listening tasks and much more…

VIP PTE CLUB ACCESS Level 2 (Full Access)

In the PTE Club – Full Access, you will get access to loads of materials provided from Pearson. Don’t waste your time practicing fake materials! Here you’ll find what you will see in the exam. Moreover, get access to  Live classes every week by our PTE specialists!

Can’t wait to upgrade to full access? Click here to open level 2 now!

Not sure yet? No worries, try the PTE Club now and decide later. Make sure to whitelist our emails so you wouldn’t miss the information coming to you in the next few days! Click here to get more information.

Happy learning!

Nerada Turner

Academic Manager

M.Teach (USYD)