‘Demand for 457 visas plummets’

RISING unemployment has dampened demand for migrant workers, with 40 per cent fewer foreigners seeking visas to work here last financial year.

The number of foreigners ­applying for a four-year work visa fell below 50,000 during 2013-14 — and the number of foreign tradies looking for work halved to 12,000.

Thousands of migrant workers flocked back to their home countries during the year, triggering the cancellation of nearly 29,000 work visas.

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In 25 years, IELTS has grown in popularity

The evidence of growing popularity is also reflected in increasing number of applicants to the British Council IELTS Scholarship award. This year, eight students won awards worth Rs.3 lakh each and they were admitted in institutions across the world, including USA – Sarah Deverall India Director of IELTS Examinations
More than 9,000 educational institutions, professional associations and governments in 135 countries recognise the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for entry into academic institutions and employment.

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