[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Although these are hard times, and we are all a little bit stressed and uncertain about the future, it is important to keep perspective. The virus is expected to be a problem for the next 3 to 6 months. So, in the meantime, it is important that you do not let your education drop.

Turner English is a very small school, but not insignificant, and so as a result, if everybody follows the protocol of washing hands and sneezing in the elbow (Dracular sneeze) We are all much safer inside the classroom then out.

Please do not forget the protocol

  • washing hands
  • not touching your mouth
  • coughing with your elbow, Dracula ????‍♂️ sneeze

And everyone and everything will be okay.

However, If you do have a cold, we do have our classes starting online from 26 March. That means that you can attend class inside the classroom or stay at home and watch via our online teaching software. (This is for PTE and IELTS class only).

In the meantime, as our teachers are very creative, we will be updating and reevaluating our teaching pedagogies to suit the environment.

If you do you have any questions comments or concerns, please come and see us at the front desk.

Nerada Turner
Turner English[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
